Post-operative precautions – during recovery after the operation
- Avoid rubbing or pressing the eye.
- Avoid strenuous activity.
- Only take medications prescribed by your doctor.
- The eye shield should be applied at bedtime for one week post-surgery. (Sticky tape can be used for this).
- Sunglasses or your own glasses may be worn.
- If you have glaucoma, please check with the doctor when to recommence your eye drops. Use a new bottle after surgery.
- Don’t have your glasses altered or new ones made until advised. It is recommended that you see your optometrist for your refraction one month post-surgery.
- Use your eye drops four times a day for a period of 4 weeks as advised by your doctor.
- Consult your doctor about returning to work or driving.
Report any pain, discomfort or loss of vision to Dr Singh’s rooms or to the Emergency Department after hours immediately.
Instructions for inserting eye drops
- You will have three different eye drops. These are Acular, Chloromycetin and Pred Forte.
- Start the Acular 5 days prior to surgery and continue the drops after the operation until the bottle is finished.
- The Chloromycetin and Predforte will be given to you at the hospital. Bring these to the follow up appointment with Dr Singh the day after the operation. Use these bottles until finished.
- Wash hands before applying your eye drops.
- Use only clean tissues to wipe your eyes or when inserting your drops.
- Shake each bottle well before placing drops in the eye.
- Wait a few minutes between using each of the 3 types of eye drops.
- Close your eyes for about 1 to 2 minutes after each drop is inserted.
- Use one drop from each bottle four times a day (breakfast, lunch, afternoon, bedtime) as a guide.
- The drops should last for one month. However, if you run out of your eye drops, see your regular GP for another prescription.